Tag - MySQL

Total count: 2
FeedBurner: Scalable Web Applications using MySQL and Java
Server-side Java is still maligned as being too slow and too bloated for high performance web applications. FeedBurner has shown that you can have a l...
Created on 19 September, 2007by osnow
Time: 00:02:45
Slides: 33
Views: 393 | Comments: 2 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Fotolog: Scaling the World's Largest Photo Blogging Community
via MySQL DBA: Fotolog: Scaling the world's largest photo blogging community
Created on 13 September, 2007by osnow
Time: 00:02:45
Slides: 33
Views: 521 | Comments: 2 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0

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